Programming: Then vs. Now and How it Impacts Developer Hires

then vs now

We cannot stress enough the importance of staying up to date in the tech world concerning shifts in demands, practices, and ethics. For a technical recruiter, this knowledge will make the difference when hunting talents because they’ll need to see from both the perspective of the employer and that of a potential candidate. Let’s go through some of the major changes in the world of tech:

#1 Resources & solutions to problems

If back in the days your main go-to resources were books, now it is completely different.

When you approached problem-solving some years ago you could only network with your peers or stress yourself reading huge amounts of information that might give you a clue, not a complete answer.

But the scenery now looks like this: the World Wide Web and an internet connection in every home will open the door to infinite information exchange and resources that could never be contained in books.

#2 Coding knowledge

The philosophy behind programming was pretty basic back in the days. If you made mistakes, you needed to start all over, quite straight-forward. Now you can do almost anything by programming.

Anyone can learn to programme by themselves, in informal trainings or using the free resources. Also, the huge number of programming languages gives you the possibility to choose what you like best and to develop whatever you set your mind to. Bottom line, it is easier to learn now, you need shorter and simpler code for basic functions or apps and the expertise levels vary greatly.

#3 Education

Previously, those who emerged as developers were graduates of computer science or software engineering. This is completely different now with the internet access and production of materials. Almost half of the current developers have no degree in technical fields and are self-taught. Also, many get on board a company that takes the time to train and grow them inside the company’s culture ending in full employment. Other groups choose to do training courses or boot camps that set them out for technical careers although their backgrounds are diverse and unrelated to software.

#4 Career

In the past programming was not a career pursuit, rather students from engineering fields got recruited by companies to become developers. The recruitment process was very different also. No candidate was actively looking for jobs, but head hunters approached them in school campuses.

How does it work now? Well, now talented professionals can apply to as many jobs as they like. The online platforms with job postings are endless and recruiters go out of their way to find suited people even if they are not looking for jobs. E-mails, online applications, job sites, cover letters, tests and hour-long interviews make the process of getting a job terrifying sometimes.

Going to platforms such as Glassdoor, you can even peek inside a company to get a sense of their environment and work practices. This also promotes the companies recruiting and stirs preferences among candidates.