It is essential that every Ruby on Rails developer acquire some skills which will help you not only in developing software skills but also in becoming an important member of the team. This list is subdivided into different categories and is explained as follows;
Non-Technical Skills
English Language: it is very important for a developer to be able not only to speak English but also to read in the language. This skill is very indispensable in order to communicate with clients and colleagues alike.
Drive: you must be ambitious if you want to progress. This means taking on challenges. You must not only involve yourself in simple tasks but also take part in the complex ones too as they will give you the experience you need going forward.
Willingness to Learn: you must have the desire to learn. Read a lot of books on coding and ask questions from senior colleagues who have more experience than you. This will help you to acquire more knowledge.
Identify with the Company Culture: building a sense of belonging in your place of work will help to expedite your development as a developer. Failing to do so, on the other hand, might affect your performance.
Know the Right Place to get an Answer on the Internet: as a junior programmer, it is inevitable to come across unfamiliar problems. Therefore, it is important for you to know where you can get solutions to these problems online. Platforms such as Google will prove handy for you.
Syntax: fundamental skills for the language are necessary. You must have a sound knowledge of certain elements such as modules, conditional statements, loops, classes, and so on.
OOP Programming: your work as a ruby developer means you will deal mainly with object-oriented programming, hence it goes without saying that you must aster a lot of concepts of OOP in Ruby.
MVC Paradigm: this is the fundamental basis of RoR structure. It is important for you to know what a particular layer of paradigm is responsible for and how to set up your app.
ERB/Haml: these are templates that you must get familiar with.
ActiveRecord: you should have a good knowledge of models, migrations, associations, validations, etc.
Configuration of New App: practice a lot on how to begin a project from scratch.
Unit Testing with Rspec: tasks completed using RoR are usually tested using Rspec, therefore, you should know how to write unit tests with Rspec.
API+JSON: you must be accustomed to API and JSON concepts because RoR is usually employed as an API provider while JSON is used as a format.
Basics of REST and HTTP Protocol: you must be familiar with the HTTP protocol.
These include knowledge of basic skills of HTML and JavaScript. Also, knowledge of how Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) operate will help you as a junior programmer.
Know the basics of SQL, PostgreSQL/MySQL, and NoSQL.
Know how to use tools such as Git, which is very useful for code management. Deployment tools like Heroku, Dockers, etc. will also be useful for you.