Mistakes Tech Professionals Do On Their Resumes

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Resumes are tricky because if they contain a few red flags, your document will probably end up in the trash can. The first impression is essential, mainly because it says a lot for you as a person.

If you want to be selected for an interview then, you must remove all the negativities from your resume. These things are easily fixable, and it is recommended to correct them as soon as possible.

  • Having too many typos on your CV

Poor Grammar, Misspelling, and Formatting lower your chance of getting a job. These three suggest that you lack attention to detail after all and that you did not review your document at all. Your resume should be without mistakes; read it twice before sending it.

  • Submitting a life story rather than a CV

The length is another thing that is red-flagged! Make sure your resume is at an appropriate length based on the job requirements. For example, if you are seeking a position at a higher level, then a two-page resume is excellent. Be careful; all information should be relevant.

  • Adding unrelated hobbies and skills in your CV

Irrelevant skills and hobbies are not wanted on your tech resume. Remove the irrelevant ones and focus on the relevant ones.

  • Creating a CV with a poor word choice

Weak Word Choice is another thing that sets HRs off. Inadequate words usually suggest that you doubt in your abilities. For example, do not use phrases like “knowledge of,” familiar,” or “some experience in.” That means that you do not know that particular field well and can destroy your chances. Use simple but enough powerful words. Highlight your accomplishments with simple but powerful phrases and words to make the hiring manager see your value.

  • Not telling the truth

According to studies around one-third of all job seekers lie on their CV. Exaggerating your achievements, adding made-up work experience or improved exam results is not advisable

  • Unexplained gaps

Lots of candidates have periods of unemployment, it’s not necessarily a negative. However, if you don’t explain the reasons for a gap in employment, it will leave recruiters with the impression that you simply haven’t been doing anything

  • Leaving out important information

You should not forget to include information about yourself such as your contact information, so it’s important that you make this type of information as accessible and prominent as possible.

The process of removing red flags has never been more straightforward. This is your chance to remove and improve. Correct every mistake and apply for the job. The chances you’ll get it are high.