UI/ UX requirements For Kids Applications

Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay

Nowadays, kids have many options to obtain new knowledge and skills thanks to modern technologies. But, they are more complicated users than adults. They do not find everything exciting, and you must be proficiently creative to attract their attention.

Nothing about them is simple. Let’s take children’s books as an example. Books should have neither simple characters nor boring story because the children won’t find it interesting. The same happens with applications. Creating an application for children is extremely difficult. Children’s psychology must take part in here as well.

When it comes to mobile application design for children, there are three crucial elements:

  • Kids need continual feedback on every task they complete.
  • Children develop fast
  • Children can quickly lose motivation

Take in mind these things before developing the application.

Basic rules according to clients who develop software for children:

Abundant in challenges – You have to bring many challenges to the application. Children adore not only challenges but also achievements. Also, if your application has an educational background, children will make many mistakes. Remember, you should not give solutions to those mistakes immediately. Give them hints and let them figure it out.

  • Feedback – For each interaction should have proper visual feedback.
  • Give goals – if children do not have use from your application, they will remove it from their parents’ phones in a short matter of time. This is the reason why you should give them goals from the beginning.
  • Set an age range – Pick out a maximum two-year range. Children develop fast, so application focused on 3-year-old will not for on a 6-year-old.


  • In-app purchases won’t go well in here because parents do not like to pay for their children’s application.
  • Interactive elements should not be placed at the bottom of the screen.
  • Bright colors are the best choice.
  • No matter if it is a game or educational application, your application should provide many features.
  • The process is quite challenging for sure, but it brings an enormous amount of fun.