Programming Languages You Can Learn to Start Earning Higher Salaries

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Computer programming is more than a career for many, it’s a passion that can lead to impressive incomes. Many even see it as their hobby rather than a job. Thanks to the online news site Quartz, we were able to discover the five programming language salaries based on job offers posted online.

We have ranked them from highest to lowest and bear in mind that you will be able to improve your skills in these areas online.

  1. Ruby/ Ruby on Rails

Ruby is an ideal language if you are interested in web applications. Twitter and Hulu are just two examples of leading websites that are based on Ruby. Ruby on Rails is the most popular framework of Ruby and it is widely agreed that it is much easier to learn than many other languages. There are plenty of online videos, tutorials, and courses that can lead to you to earn the highest income of all the programming languages.

  1. Objective C

If you are looking at your OSX device or iOS app, it means you are staring it the possibilities of Objective C. This language provides object-oriented capabilities as well as a dynamic runtime. It’s not hard to see why programmers competent in Objective C are in high demand. iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and Apple desktops are incredibly popular in the U.S. You can learn from online videos and downloadable PDFs, which are all free.

  1. Python

 Not the snake, but actually named after Monty Python from the 80s. In some ways, it is similar to Ruby in that it is naturally easy to master and use. If you are looking for use cases, Python is the backbone behind Instagram, Netflix, and Spotify. It has also been used in the film industry, the gaming industry, even NASA relies on Python to some extent. Python can be learned through many of the step-by-step guides online.

  1. Java

Java can be used to create applications for just one computer or multiple servers. It can also be used for smaller applications that can be used in a website. It has played a big role in the development of Android and is also projects involving Big Data. With few operating requirements, it is easy to use Java on multiple platforms. If you are looking to get started with Java, Oracle has great documentation.

  1. C++

This is the oldest programming language on our list, first seen in 1985, created with the idea of being efficient and flexible. It is the foundation of almost all of the software we use today and particularly beneficial for large systems. It is also used in desktop applications, e-Commerce, SQL, and is favored by gaming developers. C++ has plenty of language-specific quirks which makes it one of the hardest to learn. Still, there are free online interactive tutorials as well as videos that can kick start your learning.

Can You Learn More Than One?

Not only can you learn more than one, but you should. Like any other language, once you have one under your belt it will be easier to pick up the next one. While all five of these appear to have a very strong future, there will go through popularity trends. It is always best to have a general understanding of many rather than specialized knowledge of one, this way, you will find more programming opportunities available to you.