6 Myths About Solution Delivery Architects

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Solution delivery architects are people who are brought in to discover and communicate solutions for problems to businesses. Their main goal is helping businesses strengthen themselves on an interior level. Being able to successfully adapt to challenges is essential for businesses to thrive. These architects must possess technical skills, but also business skills to be able to understand how companies function.

Necessary Skills for a Solution Delivery Architect

Knowledge and experience in business management are some of the most important things a solutions architect should possess. Without a comprehension of areas like security, production systems, business plans, and in-depth descriptions of current issues, they can’t assist businesses effectively.

On top of technical and business skills, solutions architects should be able to listen attentively and communicate with their clients. Having ‘people skills’ is a huge benefit as well. If a solutions architect isn’t asking questions, he or she may not be a good fit for a company. This is part of understanding the issues in order to develop solutions to them.

6 Myths About Them

  1. They are specific and only focused on one area.

This is untrue since solutions architects must collection information from their client regarding all aspects of the business. Creating solutions for a company requires looking into the future. Helping businesses overcome obstacles is a key part of their job.

  • Enterprise, technical, and solutions architects are the same.

There is a big difference between the three types and clients should be aware of this. Enterprise architects focus on finding solutions, as well as upgrading, network and IT elements of a business. Technical architects serve as mediators between different levels of a company. Solutions architects look more at the business side of things from a wider angle, analyzing several areas such as software.

  • They have a standard structure they follow.

Solutions architects must be flexible. Their clients all have unique issues and function differently so each solution they develop will also be different.

  • They only have eyes for infrastructure.

While solutions architects do look at the infrastructure of a business, they also go beyond that. Talking with a client’s marketing, sales, operations, and production teams through the solution process is the other part of their job.

  • Reaching an end result is their main objective.

Being able to finish the job for a client is important, but satisfaction and meeting goals with their solutions matters more to them. A solutions architect should acknowledge if their services don’t meet the client’s needs. If that is the case, utilizing referrals is a good option. Good architects will understand the limits of their skills.

  • They carry magic wands in their pockets.

Bringing in a solutions architect can be useful, but they can’t snap their fingers or wave a magic wand to fix the problem every time. Relying on an architect for that is detrimental to a business in the long run. Additionally, if he or she gets burnt out or overloaded, they may quit.

Be Reasonable

As a client, resources like solution delivery architects can save a business. However, many companies don’t understand the differences between the different architect types or even what they need from an architect. Gather information on the company’s issues, know which architect you need, and be prepared to dive head-first into your business with an open mind.