Top 7 Common Mistakes Developers Make When Using React Native

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React Native is a popular development tool for developers creating apps. Much like with any tool in the development process, things can go wrong. They can, however, almost always be the result of a simple mistake on the developer’s part. All developers make mistakes, after all.

First, let’s look at why React Native is a good tool to use:

  1. Based on and utilizes JavaScript.
  2. Allows developers to make native apps, providing flexibility.
  3. Clear and easy to use.
  4. Adds to the developer’s productivity by incorporating several features.
  5. It has a vast community supporting it.
  6. Considered a cross-platform development tool.

The versatility and features of React Native mean it can handle many different elements of the app development process. While it can do this, that also indicates it’s more complex and contains more data. With the added features and tools at React Native’s disposal, there are a few main challenges developers are likely to face.

Struggles of Using React Native

– May introduce the need for developers with a specialization in native apps.

– An abstraction layer is necessary and could cause repeated issues such as difficulty finding bugs in the system or relying on third-parties

– Can’t handle parallel threading or processing multiple executions at once

– Has poor compatibility with iOS systems

React Native can do a lot for a developer and, while it has its share of pros and cons, how the developer uses it will determine how effective it is. As efficient or experienced as they may be, mistakes are always made somewhere down the line.

Top 7 Common Mistakes Developers Make

  1. Underestimating the validation layout
  2. Incorrect planning of redux
  3. Not reviewing the code of external modules
  4. Altering the state of a render function
  5. Not removing ‘console.log’ statements
  6. Thinking stateless components will make development easier with the most updated version of React Native
  7. Failing to optimize images for different platforms

Because of the human element in app development, making mistakes will remain a high possibility. Even experts in the industry with over a decade of experience may still make a mistake or two.

Here are some ways to limit the number of mistakes developers make:

– Keep skills up-to-date with the latest technology

– Utilize courses to practice skills that need polishing

– Look for places where training is given

The last point is best for newer developers trying to increase their skillsets. Ultimately, practicing is the best way to decrease mistakes as a developer. Beneath that is the knowledge and experience with various technology. The fast-paced environment of the tech industry is something the best developers must get used to—and it’s even more important for newer, less experienced developers.

Final Thoughts

The complexity of both the apps being developed and the tools used to develop them contribute to the possibility of mistakes. The more sophisticated an app or tool is, the more likely a developer is to create an issue inadvertently. Most problems, however, have simple fixes, and if, as a developer, those problems can be fixed quickly, it helps prevent those mistakes in the future.