Why Learning Express.js is a Great Idea

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Express.js is used to create single- and multi-page, as well as hybrid, web apps. It’s a server framework within Node.js and is also a part of the MEAN tech stack. This means Express.js functions on the back-end of the development process.

Express.js’s purpose is to help developers make smarter server-side apps that are fast. A few top features of this framework include:

  • Accessibility
  • Efficiency
  • Adaptability
  • Minimalism

Advantages of Express.js

  1. Customizable
  2. Easy to learn
  3. Uses HTTP and URLs to identify application routes
  4. Houses middleware components that can be easily accessed

Along with those advantages, Express.js is used by some of the biggest corporations. Some of those are PayPal, Walmart, Flickr, and GoDaddy.

Why Learning Express.js is a Great Idea

  • Code can be used on the front- and back-end areas of development
  • Lowers development time, amount of maintenance required and reduces costs
  • Scaling apps is easier thanks to nodes and other resources
  • Faster load time due to included caching tool
  • High-performance speed and efficient
  • Has a concurrency feature
  • Very flexible regarding its code
  • Supported by a dedicated and growing community

Going Into Detail

There are a few specific features and functions of Express.js that serve developers well. For example, Express.js is a full-stack JavaScript framework. This makes it more readily available across several platforms, easier to code and has a strong backing of developers. JavaScript’s part in how Express.js functions can benefit developers in even more ways.

For one thing, JavaScript’s compiling process is shorter than most similar development tools since it uses its own engine. Thus, so does Express.js since it’s built on JavaScript. The inclusion of its concurrency feature also cuts down development time. Concurrency is the ability of a system to run multiple executions and requests individually. There is a downside to this—the code won’t be as secure because of its speed.

Node.js, Express.js’s mother framework, doesn’t do as well with simplistic website development. Express.js was created as a sort of add-on to Node.js in order to improve it. One such improvement involves the performance speed of Express.js. Performance speed is best measured through the number of successful requests within one second. Functions of Express.js that help improve its performance speed are reverse proxy, load balancer, and gzip compression.

Bringing It All Together

Demand for technological advancements has skyrocketed over a short amount of time. This means development tools like Express.js need to, at their basic levels, be as fast and efficient as possible. Furthermore, the simplicity of using development tools is a big factor for many developers since there has been a significant increase in self-taught developers. They may or may not be very good at what they do but, resources like libraries attempt to fill in the blanks to make developing apps easier.

Express.js is one framework in a sea of amazing development tools. It makes it hard to decide which is the right one. That’s where this information comes in—to give developers an answer as to whether using Express.js the framework for them.