Mistakes to Avoid When Developing a React Native Application

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

React Native is an open-source mobile app framework developed by Facebook. It s based on JavaScript, and React Native enables the use of React’s framework with the features of native platforms. React Native can be used to develop cross-platform applications for various operating systems iOS, Android, Windows, etc.

React Active Developers need to use the JavaScript syntax in order to avoid any drawbacks thus they have to be well-versed and avoid the most common mistakes.

  • Inaccurate estimation

iOS and Android version layout – Reusable components will be plenty, but there may also be a variety of distinct layouts to choose from. The structure of an application page on iOS and Android might be entirely different.

Forms – you should also consider the validation layout. In React Native, you are expected to write more code than in a Hybrid project, like Cordova. If you’re building a Web app, you should look at all of the backend APIs. Everything should be programmed properly, as you will be handling the app’s logic. You should have a firm grasp of the database’s structure, including the relationships between its various elements.

  • The wrong redux storage planning

When we obtain an innovative project as developers, we put more effort into designing the app’s look than processing the data. Reducing the amount of time it takes to debug an application is one of the benefits of using Redux. An effective app data management solution is possible with careful planning. Many things can go wrong if this isn’t the case.

Redux app development is also not well-suited for small applications, as seen from the above. Even little adjustments will need several lines of code. So, if you’re going to use React Native for a large-scale application, it’s best to use it instead of React Native for startups.

  • Failure to read the code of external modules.

It’s not unusual for us programmers to use external modules to save time. Since they come with documentation, it makes things simpler and quicker.

On the other hand, modules often fail or don’t operate as expected. As a result, this is a React Native best practice that developers should follow. When you do this, you’ll learn more about what’s wrong with the module and how to fix it.

  • State alteration inside the render function

Datastore and View are shown in the graphic above, showing how they are interrelated. It’s all in the component, and the view is displayed based on the current state. That state is then retrieved and shown on the screen.

React includes a setState() method that takes the new object state and compares it to the prior state. After merging with the previous state, a new state is created and added to the state datastore.

When developing a React Native app, this cycle is accessible throughout the lifecycle of a component.

As a result, modifying a state breaks the lifecycle and corrupts all of the prior states. As a result, programs may behave erratically or possibly shut down completely. Additionally, you’ll end up having to write bespoke code instead of using React because of this. You’ll also wind up with a bloated program and a mountain of unmaintainable code.

  • “console.log” statements on the left

Console log statements are a godsend for developers. They’ll even assist you in troubleshooting problems with how the program is running. However, what happens if the log statements are left in the app?

A JavaScript thread bottleneck may occur if you retain the render methods and logics inside, particularly those asynchronous ones. All of this adds to the slowdown of the app.

  • Making use of stateless components to improve React Native performance

A small minority of React engineers believe that what was true before version 16 is still valid. To be classified as a “stateless component,” a piece of software must not extend any classes. By default, it displays and props the Document Object Model (DOM) argument. Benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Capability to test easily
  • Effortless development
  • No state or local variables are used.

It is now more prudent for developers to utilize pure components while building React Native applications due to the passage of time. Here’s why–

This is a big victory for complicated UI apps since it reduces rendering processes. A life cycle method called shouldComponentUpdate is included, and it automatically performs shallow comparisons to determine if a re-render is required. In stateless components, re-rendering is triggered by the parent component. A re-render is only performed when a change is detected in the states or props of a pure component.

Developers can do side effects within componentDidmount, such as sending AJAX calls or performing DOM manipulations.

  • Failure to optimize React Native images

The pictures in React Native applications should be a top concern for optimizing them. It is helpful to resolve the photos locally before submitting them to cloud storage like S3 and obtaining the CDN link using the API.

Images load more quickly if you follow this procedure.

  • Do Not Write a Unit Test

In React Native app development, failing to use unit tests is a significant error. This is because even if you don’t build any testing units for your program, it will still operate. However, it’s a bet that only pays off when your software is released to the public.

As a result, testing your app’s functioning before going to market is preferable to relying on user feedback and hoping for the best.

There will be less commotion upon app launch if unit tests are written. Not only does this speed up the development process, but it also boosts your app’s reputation. You may test various components of an app individually using a fully described unit test. To maintain a smooth operation, always test each component appropriately. When developers spot a problem early on, they may fix it without disrupting the rest of the app development.

  • Failure to follow protocol

You might end up making a massive error if you don’t adhere to the fundamentals of React App development. Thus, developers and designers must constantly follow the best practices. Using React Native, you’ll acquire all of the best practices for developing the React Native framework. The whole development process will be hampered if developers do not adhere to conventional norms. The designers and coders must constantly adhere to and follow the established procedures due to this.

  • Ignoring the structure of the project

The structure of a project should never be overlooked or ignored by developers. They should devote more time to learning about the project generally. If they don’t, there may be negative consequences down the road. Therefore, it is vital to have a well-organized project structure. In addition, using React Native development, developers may strive to implement effective project structures.

Even though there are just ten examples, there may be many more. Making as few errors as possible should be your ultimate goal as a developer.

If you want to avoid making these React Native app development blunders, we’ll look at what it takes to do so.

Tips for React Native App Developers on Avoiding Common Mistakes

First and foremost, there isn’t a single developer on the earth who is perfect.

No matter how experienced a developer is, they will still make errors. The goal of this article isn’t to make you a perfect programmer who never makes a mistake. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid committing the React native app development faults outlined in this post, as well as those that are widespread in the mobile app development business.

How to do that? There are two options. React Native app development tips and tricks —

A. Take classes and maintain your knowledge up to date.

Getting a head start on your career by taking classes early on may pay dividends in the here and now as well as in the future.

It’s just as important to brush up on your skills even if you are an expert and have years of expertise. Expanding your career and working on a range of projects might cause you to lose sight of the technical knowledge you began with. This means that going back to the fundamentals and starting from scratch is always a good thing.

B. Work with a firm that specializes in training.

Compared to their more experienced competitors, beginner developers have a better grasp of this process stage. If you’re just starting in your profession, you should work for a mid-sized firm with Team Leaders who can help you put what you’ve learned in school to use.