8 AngularJS Development Tools You Need to Know

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AngularJS is an open-source and front-end JavaScript framework that aims to make testing and developing applications simpler by proving the framework for model-view-view-model (MVVM) and model-view-controller (MVC) structural designs. In addition, it renders components that are typically utilized in Internet applications.

AngularJS is generally maintained by Google and a community of professionals who work on tasks related to developing single-page applications. Its framework reads the HTML page then interprets attributes as directives to attach the output or input of the page.

Top 8 AngularJS Development Tools That You Have to Know

AngularJS usage statistics verify that it is a client-side solution. It manages DOM and AJAX codes that have been written and then places them in a systematic order. 

As a result, AngularJS has become more opinionated regarding the development of the CRUD app. Then again, even though it is opinionated, it still attempts to ensure that its estimation is a beginning point that can be altered. 

Moreover, it facilitates the testing process, such as mocks, checking the harnesses, end-to-end testing, and unit testing. It also facilitates CRUD apps in interconnected sets as well as seed submissions with directory outline and test scripts.

If you want to create web applications using Angular JS, here are the development tools that you need to be familiar with:

  • Protractor

It is an open-source framework that is based on Node.js sources and is used for creating AngularJS web applications. It is automatic. It also enables automatic implementations of the stages that are required by user commands.

In essence, it allows you to test like a user, test the actual browser, and mechanize testing.

  • Jasmine

It is an open-source tool that is commonly used for JavaScript. Actually, it is among the best behavior-driven tools that developers use to assist their testing-driven development. Also, it encourages the development framework, which integrates interactive methods and is free of browsers, DOMs, and other frameworks.

Ideally, Jasmine should be used on Node.js platforms as well as similar projects. Some of its notable features include delivering improved testing and debugging, facilitating users to read, write, and test codes, automatically identifying JS classes and causing angular development arsenal.

  • Djangular

It is a reusable application that facilitates improved app integration. It is highly secured because it empowers the CSPF shield. It is also very easy to set up.

What’s more, you can use this tool to form a diverse namespace. You can also use it to create content arrangements for various applications.

  • Mean

It is an open-source tool that also offers full stack JavaScript resolution. It also helps in creating robust and manageable development of web applications.

  • Mocha

It is a JavaScript testing framework that is known for its flexibility and precise reporting. It has a lot of built-in features that you can use for testing procedures. It also has browser support, asynchronous support, auto-exit, and global leak detection capability.

  • Karma

It is a tool that you can use for debugging, mechanically creating coverage reports, testing codes in real and multiple browsers, performing code locally, and executing browsers. It is also regarded as a test runner for JavaScript.

  • AngularFire

It allows users to mechanically store data offline as well as assess application performance. It authenticates users and has a flexible and server-side rendering API.

  • WebStorm

It can be used as an online editor for JavaScript, Typescript, Angular JS, and style sheets. It shows insights for auto-completion, progressive error prevention, refactoring features, smart coding, and text editor.