Most Popular Open-Source Swift Libraries To Use In 2022

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Swift, Apple’s new programming language is trending now. More and more developers are using the Open-Source Swift Libraries to build apps for a wide range of platforms.

IOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS may be developed using Apple’s Swift programming language.

Learning Swift has numerous advantages, but one of the most significant is the speed at which you can construct complicated applications. You can get started using open-source Swift libraries to build your applications, but this isn’t the only option.

There is a list of Swift libraries on GitHub called Swift Open Source. There are five major categories in this directory:

  • Web
  • iOS
  • Mac
  • Linux, as well as other options, are available.

People who want to utilize open-source Swift libraries in their projects may find this directory handy. In addition to being simple to learn, Swift incorporates some of the greatest features of object-oriented languages like Java, C++, and Objective C.

More open-source libraries will be built to use the current libraries and frameworks as Swift develops and matures as a language.

Text, pictures, and other data types may all be processed using its standard library, which includes a wide range of APIs. However, what if you need a solution that does not fall neatly into place? Third-party libraries are the answer!

There must be a more efficient approach for you to design your software. In this blog post, we’ll show you some of the best open-source Swift libraries that programmers are currently utilizing.

The Best Swift Open-Source Libraries

Apple unveiled Swift, a brand-new programming language, during WWDC 2015. If you have iOS 9, it’s already possible to utilize it. Programmers will benefit from Swift’s emphasis on writing easy-to-understand and debug code.

The world of iOS development is always changing, and it is critical for developers to keep on top of the latest developments.

In addition to being Apple’s newest programming language, Swift is one of the most trimming languages available right now. Isn’t it the best? Many fantastic open-source libraries are available for Swift, making development a joy. Please continue reading if you’d want to know more about some of the top ones out there.

There are several open-source libraries available to assist you in getting started with this new language!


In terms of Swift layout libraries, SnapKit is the best. Short and elegant code may be used to adjust the auto-layout restrictions dynamically. These lines of code are all that is needed for the layout logic while retaining readability and comprehension. SnapKit’s open-source nature is also a plus because of the vast iOS community behind it.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to use both ways simultaneously; SnapKit makes it easy.


You may have to invest a lot of time and enhance your productivity to understand how to write back-end code (server) for Mobile Developers. Because it greatly reduces back-end development time, Firebase is a great back-end support solution.

Many back-end operations are powered by Firebase. Server costs are reduced, and real-time database manipulation is also possible.


SwiftLint eliminates the need to worry about code smells. You may use it to debug and tidy up your code. Using these standards and approaches, you can maintain a high degree of quality in your Swift codebase. Code-style rules will make it easier to maintain and expand projects. Additionally, newcomers will be able to rapidly learn the codebase and meet your team’s high standards for quality.


HTTP network requests may be handled using Alamofire, a simple and modular way. It is developed on top of Apple’s Foundation framework’s URL Loading System. A key part of the system is the URLSession and the URLSessionTask subclass. Many more APIs are included in Alamo Fire, making it easier for developers to create current HTTP networking applications with their more user-friendly interface.

As soon as the subject of iOS HTTP networking comes up, Alamofire is the first thing that springs to mind for programmers and vice versa. Using this library, you may connect to a server in Swift. These methods let you perform async requests to a URL and then get their responses.

Alamofire Network Activity Indicator and Alamofire Image are also included.


Kingfisher is a free and open-source Swift library for downloading and storing pictures from URLs.

The caching of images in iOS apps is essential to their overall efficiency. Your mobile app will run quicker, be more responsive, and have useless user data if you just download pictures once.

Aside from enabling image placeholders in the UIImageView, this library’s specific category API may enhance user experience while also making it easier to take advantage of the major performance benefit.


Using Core Data in Swift is a challenging endeavor. Core Data is a difficult API that requires a large investment of time and money to acquire. According to popular opinion, many believe that Core Data should be avoided in favor of alternative data management solutions. It’s at this point when Realm comes into play.

Moving from Core Data to Realm will provide you with a better option for managing persistent data in the long term. As a replacement for SQLite and CoreData in iOS App Development, Realm is being developed. These outdated databases and storage solutions cannot compete with Realm’s simplicity of use, improved query performance, and more intuitive data management. As a consequence of its many advantages, Realm is becoming more popular. Aside from that, understanding Realm for iOS developers is straightforward because of its open-source nature and well-written references.


In collaboration with Alamofire, Moya serves as a library for network-related issues. Programmers often deal with Moya, an abstract class at the top of the proposed network. Moya’s extensions, such as RxSwift and ModelMapper, make connecting to APIs easier, making the process a lot faster. It’s best to avoid using Moya if you’re not self-confident as a developer.


If you want to learn back-end programming but don’t want to learn a new language, Vapor is the best library for you. With Vapor, you can write server-side back-end Swift code. Any iOS developer can quickly learn and practice Vapor’s simple syntax. Because it’s based on Swift and Xcode, you’ll be more comfortable with it straight out of the gate. Vapor also has a strong and supportive community. And as a result, its notoriety is just a matter of time.

By implementing its Swift parser, the Vapor API removes the requirement for third-party dependencies. As a result, Vapor developers can ensure that their APIs are concise, legible, and compatible with Swift.


Two examples of operative reactive programming (also known as “ReactiveX” or “Rx”) are RxSwift and RxCocoa. These programming languages and platforms may be used in several languages and environments. In this framework, we can monitor and listen to asynchronous activities in the form of event/data streams at all times.

On iOS, the MVVM pattern is the most popular programming style. “Data binding” is the most major difference between MVVM and MVP. The RxSwift library is a nice choice for this (MVVM architecture).

Additionally, the OS platform makes use of the RxCocoa Cocoa API framework. If you’ve ever used RxSwift, you’re likely to have used RxCocoa as well.


Open-source Swift library “Charts” provides data visualization capabilities. This wonderful library is an excellent substitute for displaying and evaluating data in tables or collection views, which may be tedious and constraining. Improve your mobile app’s beauty and effectiveness by using charts. Using the Charts library has never been easier with our thorough Swift tutorial, which covers all of the various types of charts you’ll need.

In A Nutshell

Three years ago, Swift was released by Apple and revolutionized the way programmers wrote code. Apple launched Swift in June 2014, and by September 2015, it had overtaken Objective-C as the most popular programming language for iOS apps. Newer language versions were created to be more user-friendly and expressive, like this one.

Apple improved the safety and convenience of use of Swift with the introduction of Swift 3. Swift is sometimes misunderstood as a replacement for Objective-C, whereas it is intended to be a more current and secure alternative.

IBM, Netflix, and Square have embraced Swift in the last several years, indicating its expanding popularity. Even if you’re an experienced programmer, there’s a wealth of information available to help you master Swift.