Is It Worth Learning Vue? Consider These Apps Developed Using Vue

Photo by Apunto Group Agencia de publicidad:

Vue.js competitors React and Angular. Vue’s youth doesn’t keep developers and business owners from loving it. In truth, modern technology has a lot to offer. Vue is not slipping behind its primary opponent, React, and is a promising technology.

All these benefits are theoretical and hence meaningless. Let’s look at real-world Vue.js development. Seven applications you’ve heard of but didn’t realize were Vue apps.

Adobe Portfolio

Adobe Portfolio is comparable to Behance and Dribble, where designers may present their portfolios. Portfolio’s front-end was migrated to Vue to improve user experience and speed. Adobe Portfolio is now the most mentioned Vue example project after successfully migrating its codebase.


Adobe’s Behance uses Vue. It’s the most common method for creating and posting designers’ portfolios. The platform was originally designed with bespoke programming, but management migrated to Vue.js. Vue is an open-source project with a large development community. Open source technologies are more efficient and faster to create than custom ones.


Grammarly is a platform that helps people write better and smarter by using AI and natural language processing to help users check their grammar. Elegant, user-friendly, responsive, and convenient describe Grammarly’s UI. Grammarly illustrates Vue apps are enterprise-ready.


Trivago, like and, compares hotel costs. It’s a 15-year-old German corporation valued at $950 million. Front-end frameworks include Angular, React, Melody, and Vue. Vue is not their only development choice, but it’s a significant element of their tech stack that helps them reach business and development goals.


Glovo is a widely-used delivery service that has gained special attention during pandemics. Glovo couriers delivered food, medication, and other supplies to online orders. Glovo’s front end is created on Vue.js. The organization frequently hires Vue developers.


WizzAir, based in Budapest, Hungary, travels to 150 locations worldwide. One of Europe’s most popular airlines, it’s Ryanair’s top competitor. Their site uses Vue. The corporation doesn’t say why or how they implemented this technology.


GitLab is an open-source software development and DevOps lifecycle management platform that competes with GitHub. This Vue app has Git-repository management, issue-tracking, and CI/CD pipeline. Two Ukrainian engineers built the Rails+jQuery solution. These technologies weren’t scalable. Thus the organization shifted to the Vue app. Vue helped the firm save time and money, scale difficult features, and increase popularity and revenue.

To sum up

Unfortunately, Vue is both undervalued and underutilized. If more firms used this technique for Vue apps, they would benefit. In any case, I think Vue’s days of fame are yet to come. Soon, contemporary businesses will need this lightweight JavaScript framework.