The Newest Python Web Frameworks

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Progress in one field requires updates, new tools, or in other words, continually moving forward. That especially applies to the IT industry or to be more particular in the web development industry.

Nowadays, Python received enormous popularity, and not long ago, it presented Django and Flask. Regardless of that, there are now new and better frameworks that are promising. For example, according to sources, they are more convenient, faster, and easier to use.

Besides Django, Flask, and Bottle – web frameworks that gained popularity due to their different approach and due to their quality, there are a couple of new frameworks, and let’s elaborate on them a little bit.

Before starting, remember that these frameworks are new and that they should be used in pilot projects. If you are wondering why, well, this is simply because you must first study it, understand it, and later implement it in something more significant. It is better when you know its advantages and disadvantages.

Sanic – the newest web framework for Python 3.5+ is a web server and web framework at the same time. It is quite convenient and can help you if you are in a hurry to develop a project. Sanic uses async/ await to make asynchronous programs. That is what makes it fast and scalable. It supports multiple formats and versioning, convenient work with routers, exception handling, web sockets, and more. Also, it is freely accessible on the GitHub.

Starlette – this high-performance framework or as others call it toolkit is lightweight and based on ASGI. It supports WebSocket, GraphQL, Session, and Cookie. According to developers, it lacks rigid binding to other solutions but gives guarantee for 100 percent test coverage and 100 percent type annotated codebase. That matters if your project seeks reliable execution, and you want to include the components on which your system is made. It works under Python 3.6+ and installation of the ASGI server.

Masonite – It has been estimated that this is maybe the best new framework designed. That happened because the creators wanted improved extensibility. Masonite owns many additional features that can be quite useful for your future projects. Both novice developers and expert developers can use this simple routing mechanism. It operates on Python 3.4+ with the latest versions of OpenSSL and Pip3.

FastAPI – this one is fast and reliable among else, and according to professionals in the IT field, its speed can be compared to NodeJS and Go. It gives automatic interactive documentation, it uses Python 3.6+, and when it comes to web parts, it uses Starlette while Pydantic for data parts.

Responder – this framework allows you to build an ASGI application with the use of a jinja2 template. Based on Starlite, to work with the webserver, it requires uvloop. Creators say that this one is a mix from Flask and Falcon.

Molten – it builds HTTP APIs with Python, and it is minimalistic, extensible, and fast. Besides being highly productive, this one also has a fantastic range of features like dependency injection, configuration files, request ids, and more—a well-documented project.

Python Klein – if you need a production-ready web service with Python, this is the right choice for you. This micro-framework, with small API, is made on multiple already used and tested components like Twisted and Werkzeung. It supports async and doesn’t depend on third parties.

Quart – this one supports Flask applications and Asyncio asynchronous calls, and that is the main reason why it can use Flask and programming mechanisms from Python 3.5. Tox backs its testing, it supports the full ASGI 3.0 and works with both videos and Websockets.

BlackSheep – creators were inspired by Flask and ASP.NET before they make BlackSheep. This framework, which is also asynchronous, gives ready-to-start MVC project template. It also uses methods given by the ASGI HTTP Server. It mainly operates under HTTP and HTML standards.

Cyclone – it uses Twisted to make Tornado API for a web framework, and it is known as a stable and reliable web framework. Its I/O is non-blocking and has internationalization support, non-blocking Redis client, third-party login with OpenID, and many other features.

Pyramid – its main aim is to make web applications that have minimum complexity. It is an open-source, and it can work with small and large applications. It can build single-file applications. It can use all-embracing templating and asset specifications and man more. This framework can give function decorations, predicates, and renderers.

Fortunately, technologies are improving all the time, and we get a good, efficient chance do develop fantastic web applications thanks to new development features. One of these frameworks for sure will someday replace Django, Flask, and Bottle. Python is here to stay, and its popularity is only increasing.