Top 10 Books on Android App Development

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

Apart from iOS, Android is the most used operating system. That means there are numerous resources covering all kinds of topics. App development has been in demand for several years with most of those Android resources addressing some stage of it.

Books have always been an excellent form of gaining information. Let’s look at the top 10 books for Android app development:

  1. Headfirst Android Development by Dawn and David Griffiths

Knowledge of Java is recommended before reading this book. It covers a variety of topics on Android app development in a step-by-step manner. It’s also good as a refresher for both app development and using Android software.

  • GUI Design for Android Apps by Ryan Cohen and Tao Wang

For developers looking to start app development from the ground up with an Android OS, this is a great book. Java and XML knowledge is highly recommended to have prior to reading it. It covers the main themes in a general sense, however.

  • Android Design Patterns by Greg Nudelman

Understanding design patterns helps reduce time and this book teaches about 70 patterns developers may come across in app development. Additionally, it contains information on iOS design patterns.

  • The Busy Coder’s Guide to Advanced Android Development by Mark L. Murphy

This is for advanced Android developers. Essentially, it’s a reference book to help experienced coders brush up on their knowledge.

  • Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, and Kristin Marsicano

New developers could benefit from reading this book. It has information on all the basic, yet essential, concepts of using Android. The most recent version requests that developers know how to use Kotlin while previous versions rely on Java knowledge.

  • Java Programming for Android Developers for Dummies by Barry Burd

In order to understand the terminology and procedures explained in this book, developers must know how to use Java and Android. There is an emphasis on laying out the ease of using both.

  • Professional Android by Reto Meier

Like other books in this list, basic knowledge, and understanding of Android. There is a hands-on focus in this book, as well as in-depth information on using Kotlin and Android Studio IDE.

  • Beginning Android 4 Games Development by Mario Zechner

Android for game development is this book’s main topic. The majority of the most popular apps are games, which makes this resource an excellent tool.

  • Android Application Development All-in-one for Dummies by Barry Burd and John Paul Mueller

As with all Dummies books, this one starts with the basics of Android and moves on to more advanced concepts. Some programming language knowledge is needed to be able to understand some terms and steps.

  • Android Programming: Pushing the Limits by Erik Hellman

Developers who have already dipped their toes in the world of Android app development will find this book helpful. It builds on basic concepts, therefore requiring basic to intermediate knowledge and understanding of Android. It primarily covers advanced concepts for more complex development projects.